April 9, 2021


Before Michael Bay, before Beast Wars, there was...The Transformers: The Movie. Dismissed in its time as a toyetic cog in a corporate moneymaking machine (which it is, to a certain extent), the film endures as a cult classic for many reasons: its anime-influenced visuals, an over-the-top rock soundtrack, and an emotional ruthlessness you don't expect from a cartoon about alien robots that fold into boomboxes.

That being said, The Transformers is still peak 1980s in all its loud, colorful excess. John Parton returns to discuss one of his prime cinematic passions, and transforms our perspective on this keystone of '80s nostalgia. Let's roll out!

The Transformers: The Movie (1986)
Directed by Nelson Shin
Written by Ron Friedman
Based on The Transformers TV series
Starring Peter Cullen, Judd Nelson, Robert Stack, Lionel Stander, Leonard Nimoy, Eric Idle, Frank Welker, and Orson Welles

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